I want apartments for sale in Antalya, Turkey! How do I buy? ...

  • 2019-05-19 10:05 AM
  • Company offers

I want apartments for sale in Antalya! How do I buy?
For those who want to buy an apartment in Antalya, we review all the Real Estate projects in this city that are in progress, you can follow the webpage and search in " property"about your request and you can follow the latest real estate offers that we publish daily on the Facebook page/دليل تركيا /and register requests Real Estate, If not present on the page we will send you all the available options to you.

Posted by To Antalya 

US Dollar
US Dollar
  • 0.915
  • 34.270
    Turkish Lira
    Turkish Lira
  • 0.766
    British Pound
    British Pound
  • 0.709 JOD
    Jordanian Dinar
    Jordanian Dinar
  • 3.673 AED
    UAE Dirham
    UAE Dirham
  • 1,310.000 IQD
    Iraqi Dinar
    Iraqi Dinar
  • 133.072 DZD
    Algerian Dinar
    Algerian Dinar
  • 3.755 SAR
    Saudi Riyal
    Saudi Riyal