Antalya City in Turkey...

  • 2019-10-15 12:10 PM
  • Turism

The city of Antalya has been named several names since the time of the Romans, because it was a gathering of mysticism and religions in the past, called the "Turkish Riviera " Because of the abundance and nature of archaeological sites.

The city of Antalya is a sea-view city stretching along the Mediterranean coast and the sun, history and nature are a harmony of life.

The city continues to maintain its importance as an important tourist centre throughout history on the southern coast of the country, in addition to the distinctive natural beauty, the legendary city with its tradition, history and civilization.

Soak up the city of Antalya in the western shores of the Mediterranean. In ancient times it was called the name Pamphylia which means "the land of all tribes ". The Earth really deserves that name because it has seen many successive civilizations throughout history.

In the first century BC king Atalos king of Bergsecurity Roman ordered his men to find a piece of land to be the most beautiful on earth, and he wants it "heaven of earth ". After a long search all over the world, they discovered this earth and said "These must be " heaven of Earth "and King Atalos gave her the name Atalia-" Attaleia ". Since then many European countries have been interested and eager to spend their holidays and own their own apartments Antalya and all eyes are on the city.

The Attaleia – Atalia became the Berrsecurity kingdom when the Romans took over the reign, a Roman city under the Roman Emperor Hadrian, and led you to build an arch in honor of him and the city is already well worth seeing.

The Byzantines came after the Roman era, and then the Seljuk Turks seized the city in 1207 and gave it the name

Different, Adalya,-Adalia and built a famous lighthouse Antalya and minaret of the Levlev mosque. 

Then came the Seljuk Ottomans of the city, and finally the era of the Turkish Republic became a Turkish city and in it and an important port.

The city of Antalya has been jammed fast since 1960 and its population according to the 1990 census is 1,146,109 Antalya City climate is hot and dry in summer and mild U V with heavy rains and the sunlight remains from April to October. The humidity is slightly elevated, about 64%, and the average water temperature is 21.5 degrees.

Antalya is really a city worth visiting and enjoying all the seasons and all the rituals where the summer season lasts about 8-9 months and is the reason for the coming of many European and Arab nationalities from different countries 

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