Çanakkale City...

  • 2019-03-02 10:03 AM
  • Turism

Canakkale City

The city of Canakkale is about 280 kilometers southwest of Istanbul, where the Battle of Canakkale, also known as the Battle of the Dardanelles Strait, was in World War I on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire period between 25 April 2015 and 9 January 1916.
The peninsula forms the northern bank of the Dardanelles Strait, a Strait of action as the naval route of the Russian Empire at the time, where it was allied during the war.
Britain and France launched a naval attack followed by an amphibious landing on the peninsula with the aim of conquering control of the Ottoman capital of Istanbul, in order to protect Russia. The attack was countered after eight months of fighting that caused many casualties on both sides. The ground attack failed and the invaders withdrew to Egypt. The battle was one of the major Ottoman victories during the war and a major failure of the Allies.
In Turkey, this battle is a turning point in the nation's history of a final rise in the defence of the motherland at a time when the Ottoman Empire disintegrated. Turkey will add international events on 24 April to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Çanakkale battle 

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