Historic sites in the ancient city of Antalya.

  • 2019-02-27 12:02 PM
  • Turism

Historic sites in the ancient city of Antalya

Kalici: The historic centre of the city, now the city's tourist centre with hotels, pubs, clubs, restaurants and markets. Kalichi retains its historical character.

Hadrian's Gate: Built in the second century BC by the Romans in honor of Emperor Hadrian

Your SAC is a beacon (broken minaret): It was a Byzantine church, later transformed into a mosque.

Levlev Lighthouse Mosque (decorated minaret): The Seljuk builders, decorated with dark blue tiles, and turquoise, this minaret has recently become a symbol of the city.

Other Islamic buildings in the city: The Karati School, the Ahi Yusuf Mesidi Mosque, Murad Pasha Mosque, the tequila Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Sinan Effendi mosque and the Osman Effendi mosque.


Antalya Museum award-winning Antiquities Museum

The Kalici Museum opened in 2007 by the Mediterranean Research Center of Civilizations

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